Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Phenological Diary - 21st October

It has been cold but sunny for a nearly two weeks, with night time temperatures quite low. Today the weather changed with a solid rain lasting most of the day. Temperature's today between 11C and 13C with a light Southerly wind.

Day light is noticably short now - need to keep a note to remember to map out the sun around the shortest day.

Really noticed just how dry the ground had become by the fence with the big cracks appearing in the ground. Suggests that the soil isn't yet very deep or rich in organic matter.

The hawthorn is losing it's leaf quite rapidly and no longer blocks the view, there is quite a nice ecology developing with some shade loving plants under the hedge.

Sunflowers are still in flower - will be interesting to see whether they manage to seed or maybe they were too late in the season.

The ferns in the shaded corner probably need some support species as they currently need watering too often, that area on the garden isn't easy to get to so it should be regarded as a Zone 3 / 4 area.

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